Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I should wear make up more often

I always have to smooth my skin and take out the bags under the eyes, and I tell myself, it's not really much edit, just how I'd look if I put on some concealer and powder.  This time I added eyelashes too, thank you ss eyelashes at .  They have cool eyeshadows too.  I add them one lid at a time onto transparent layers, then shrink or revolve and adjust opacity until they look right, like mine when I put on mascara.  I promised my granddaughter a makeup day soon, and then we'll take glam shots and touch up from there.  I'll leave the wrapping paper off.

postscript- a little makeup and combing the hair DOES help!

Monday, December 5, 2011

The microphone is fixed!

So I have completed and am uploading another tutorial, Using brushes and art in photoshop and photoshop elements, to Youtube. It is taking an incredibly long time to upload though, I tried yesterday and am giving it another go right now.  It worries me some because of the viral onslaught I had recently, but I read where many other users have had problems too.  So, it should be visable in an hour or two here .

I've seen some fabulous designer camera bags for women, look like very luxe purses with prices to match.  I craved one but would never pay that price, well maybe even if I could afford it.  But with all my crawling around looking for free patterns, it's so obvious the solution is to sew it yourself!!!  Here's one that I really loved where you just make the inserts for an already-made purse of your choice, but if you google and look yourself there are bunches and bunches of free patterns for inserts (some suggest foam and duct tape) or the entire bag, so cute!!!  If you don't sew and can't afford the designer one, I'd suggest finding someone who would make one for you, maybe in exchange for some photo services?

10% uploaded in 10 minutes, sigh.  It's always been fast before.  I'm thinking the next tutorial will be on making your own brushes.  Happy editing!

Friday, December 2, 2011

RIP sweet Bubba and Rex

My little half pit, half wiener died 5 days ago, and I've been hurting pretty bad about it.  I haven't loved a dog like that since I was a little girl.  Yesterday, the big mastif in this photo, Rex, was hit by a car and had to be put to sleep.  My very good friend Karen is grieving him hard too.  Great dogs, both of them.

I've been battling a VERY nasty computer virus that invited in other viruses and spyware and was just running havic on my system, I believe I've finally got it kicked.  I also finally corrected the audio problem with recording, I'm still not entirely sure how, but I've got a software that works so there will be a new tutorial soon!  Today, however, is a day before night shift and I have to sleep very soon.  I can't risk getting started on a project because I know I won't stop.  Also, if I'm going to be honest, I have to admit I have been heavily cheating on the photoediting with some sewing.  Christmas is coming!!!  I'm sewing for everyone.  It's working much better than the cookies for everyone plans ever went.

See you soon with a tutorial on the joys of BRUSHES!