Saturday, October 15, 2011

another start!

I've started and quit various blogs before, and made a couple (2 real so far) websites.  So this whole process is more comfortable for me.  I just made a website with hostgator for a $20 some dollar investment, with a photo gallery, blog, forum all attached.  It took about 3 days of hard work and lots and lots of tech support (they have GREAT tech support).  Since I want to blog and work with photo edits, the photo page was the most important, and it just didn't satisfy.  There was one plug in they said I could use, but it was going to involve lots more technical hook up and looking at the prevues, it didn't satisfy either.  I had one last year with GoDaddy that was better, but they want a year's subscription up front, and I didn't want to commit to that.  So I started searching around and found that SNAPFISH had a GREAT free site feature that could do nearly everything I wanted.  Matter of fact, I could probably blog from there as well, but I am hoping to make a few bucks somehow somewhere down the line.  I didn't want to violate their policy so I am keeping Shutterfly strictly for looking at edits.  But I can put as many photos as I want on there, have lots of control in how to organize them, they can be viewed, as they should, in full screen if not actual size.  I can invite other editors to post their stuff in their own albums!!  There's a forum spot where we can talk about what we use and how we do stuff, and about problems and give advice and encouragement.  I could upload a photo for everyone to take a turn at and they can upload their edit.  Bigger views than facebook or my paid account.  I just got all kinds of excited about it.  So, with all that going on there, why keep my paid site?  The blog was the most important thing there, as a place to just write and post the links I find and tutorials I make.  And I needed a way for people to contact me if they wanted me to do an edit.  But even at the great cheap price of $8 monthly, I still have to go through silly tech stuff to just post stuff.  So, here I am, a week after starting my last great venture, starting this one.  I'm hoping I'll be happy here.  Take a look at the Shutterfly page,

Next time, photo edit stuff, I promise!

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